Why bother to write 1000 words ? Let the pics talk..

Lately I was feeling sort of heat exhausted.. too warm, even after midnight..And I was not the only one (see below). So indulging into nightly CW training sessions was literally cool.

..so I decided to play some Morse Runner WPX - hadn't touched the WPX mode for quite some time, only HST mode. After all, I knew that a new record at Morse Runner WPX was about to pop up.
Despite the fact that I worked on it the past days, that bloody new score just didn't want to come in:

But yesterday night it eventually did with a wonderful aftertaste, at the 33rd place of the "Hi-Scores" rankings :-)))  On this link the log with all QSOs, copied from MR. In contrary to previous attempts, in this case, I had only one QSO really lost -I still find 7's & 8's sort of troublesome to distinguish..

So far, so good. I had a seriously great time at DTP (Deutsche Telegraphie Pokal). Results auf Deutsch here.
Feeling very lucky that I have the honour to call many great people as well as devoted CW-aficionados I met there, radiofriends of mine. Erbenhausen gentlemen, please accept my sincere thanks.

Fabian scored a max of 162946 points with 745cpm at rufzXP, but...

I asked him just a couple of hours after he competed at rufz, to make a rufz attempt at my netbook. His unofficial run at my netbook was 196907 points at 814cpm. Respect Fab !  :-)

And the "Pokal" I got. Deep inside me, I like it and this worries me a little: I'm thinking that with so much wallpaper (awards, certificates, 99% of the times without asking it) I've received ever since I became a ham, if I will eventually become an award-fetishist. For the moment, I still keep all that wallpaper in a folder that never sees the sunlight.
At the above picture please notice a new finding I was introduced to while at DL, Naschi, that I ate straight out of the jar. Despite having tried to moderate my carb intake, I still get Naschi cravings and absolutely have to submit. The same that happens with Nutella.

Muchos 73 and keep practicing CW !