3752 :-))) MR HST

A brave experiment by utilizing various speeds (35-50WPM) ended up in a new record. I start to feel that I will eventually touch 4k some day :-)))  So, 60 QSOs within 10', yeeeey !!!
Lately (since June 25th) I devoted the time & energy I wanted into MR and it paid off with a big progress within a small timeframe.

Who needs propagation anyway when QRQ is available with such a cool tool ?  :-))
Keep QRQing

A new friend I met & a new MR record

The fauna of the house I was lucky and pleased to be hosted at, during my exams:


And an awesome new personal record at Morse Runner HST mode :-)))
However I know that it won't be easy to score such during an official competition; I have a long way ahead and the very first obstacle I need to overcome is to QSY to a standard keyboard. Practicing solely at my little netbook has had my my fingers fully adapted at smaller spaces. Switching to a standard keyboard (which is the way it is during official HST competitions) will be hard...

I've sprinkled 5-minute explosive runs (just like those at Deutsche Telegraphie Pokal, the German HST Championship) to my regular 10min+ runs, while I also experiment with higher/lower speeds instead of keeping the speed levels the same. Think it helps, triggers the ears, brain and fingers by giving different stimuli.

Keep practicing, di dit !  :-)